Restoring Memories
It has been over 10 years since the Tsunami that wiped out coastal towns in northeastern Japan. I remember being mesmerized by the videos of the ocean rising up and snatching away so much, so quickly. People, cars, busses, and entire buildings floating away. Huge ships tossed around like bathtub toys. Such devastation. I felt so sad and helpless.
There must be ways to help. I just didn't know how - until now.
This March, I noticed an article about someone who was inspired to help Tsunami victims in a very unique and meaningful way. Yuichi Itabashi, a chemical engineer working for Fujifilm, while watching a news report after the Tsunami noticed people incorrectly trying to clean family photos they had recovered from the flood. He instinctively knew he could help and quickly went into action to help people restore such prized possessions.
Rather than re-tell the whole story, here is a link to the BBC News article "Memory Hunters" where you can read if for yourself. Perhaps it will inspire you as it did me to pay more attention to the opportunities around me to make a difference by applying my heart and hands to help out.